

  • Jelena Vićentijević Ph.D. student, University of Belgrade, Faculty of Geography, Belgrade


Vrnjačka Banja is the symbol of spa tourism in Serbia. Healing mineral springs, favorable geographical position and pleasant climate have influenced the development of traditional medical and health caring tourism. In addition to spa tourism, Vrnjačka Banja develops event tourism. The most important manifestation is the Carnival, due to which Vrnjačka Banja has been a member of Federation of European Carnival Cities since 2006. Method used in the paper is tourist valorization by geographical and economic criteria. The Carnival attracts a large number of participants and visitors, which is assessed positively from the standpoint of income and negatively when one bears in mind the limited spatial capacity and environmental sensitivity of spa. It emphasizes the necessity of continuing research and application innovations in order to accompany the rapid changes occurring in tourism market for even better positioning in tourism offer of both Vrnjačka Banja and Serbia.


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How to Cite
Vićentijević, J. (2017). TOURISM VALORIZATION OF THE CARNIVAL AS A FACTOR OF COMPETITIVENESS OF VRNJAČKA BANJA TOURISM. Tourism International Scientific Conference Vrnjačka Banja - TISC, 2(1), 623-640. Retrieved from http://tisc.rs/proceedings/index.php/hitmc/article/view/164