

  • Ivana Simić University of Niš, Faculty of Economics
Keywords: digital entrepreneurship, tourism, challenges, opportunities


In the conditions of intensive business digitalization, digital entrepreneurship is gaining importance. It is defined in two ways: as the process of creating new digital products or services, or as a process of the digital transformation of existing business activities within small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). For the purpose of more precise theoretical determination, the paper analyzes various definitions of digital entrepreneurship, highlights the dissimilarities between digital and traditional entrepreneurship and specifies different categories of digital entrepreneurship. Although digital entrepreneurship is linked to almost all sectors of the economy, this paper focuses on digital entrepreneurship in the tourism sector, in general, and particularly, on the opportunities and challenges ingrained in it. The aim of the paper is to encourage and intensify the trend of digitalization of entrepreneurial organizations in the Republic of Serbia by highlighting its opportunities and challenges, broadly, and in the tourism sector, specifically, in a way that will allow the exploitation of available chances, as well as avoiding or successfully handling potential challenges that digital entrepreneurship faces.


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How to Cite
Simić, I. (2020). CHALLENGES AND OPPORTUNITIES FOR DIGITAL ENTREPRENEURSHIP IN TOURISM. Tourism International Scientific Conference Vrnjačka Banja - TISC, 5(1), 452-467. Retrieved from http://tisc.rs/proceedings/index.php/hitmc/article/view/352