

  • Milan Počuča Faculty of Law for Commerce and Judiciary in Novi Sad, The Republic of Serbia
  • Jelena Matijašević Obradović Faculty of Law for Commerce and Judiciary in Novi Sad, The Republic of Serbia
Keywords: tourism, environment, mountain towns, protected natural areas


Besides possitive effects, tourist traffic creates a number of negative impacts on the environment, especially in the domain of natural resources and biodiversity, and it is therefore interesting to see the impact the tourism has on the environment in mountain resorts as one of five categories of tourist places in Serbia. It is precisely the non-compliance with the protection measures in protected natural areas, and, among other things, the insufficient coordination of tourism development and environmental protection, are recognizable weaknesses of tourism in Serbia in the SWOT analysis presented in the Tourism Development Strategy for the period from 2016 to 2025. In the research part of the paper, the total tourist traffic in Serbia, in the period from 2016 to 2018, the intensity of tourism in mountain regions and its impact on the environment, was analyzed, taking into account the sensitivity and large exposure of ecologically significant areas. The paper uses normative, analytical and deductive methods as well as basic quantitative data analysis.


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How to Cite
Počuča, M., & Matijašević Obradović, J. (2020). ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACTS OF TOURIST TRAFFIC IN MOUNTAIN RESORTS IN THE REPUBLIC OF SERBIA. Tourism International Scientific Conference Vrnjačka Banja - TISC, 5(2), 335-350. Retrieved from http://tisc.rs/proceedings/index.php/hitmc/article/view/377