

  • Nataša Zgonc Landscape Governance College GRM, Novo mesto, Slovenia
  • Marija Turnšek Mikačić Faculty of Organisation Studies Novo mesto, Slovenia
Keywords: vineyard cottage, tourism, tourist offer, tourist product, business plan, competition, economy


Vineyard cottages, have up to now presented an unexploited tourist capital. In this paper, which is composed of a theoretical and an empirical research part, we have focused on a tourist vineyard cottage as a new market product in the countryside. In the theoretical part, we used Slovene and foreign literature to describe different topics, as follows: Tourist vineyard cottage as a new market product in the countryside, Tourist potential of the vineyard cottages in the countryside, and Economy of vineyard cottage development. Based on the theoretical treatment of five research questions, we prepared a survey and used systematic acquisition and collection to process the obtained information. To obtain information on the needs and wishes of guests and increase market demand, we used a survey, which was processed by a qualitative method. For study of the economics of the project of introducing a vineyard cottage into own production, we used the method of economic analysis.


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How to Cite
Zgonc, N., & Turnšek Mikačić, M. (2020). VINEYARD COTTAGE, A NEW MARKET PRODUCT ON THE FARM. Tourism International Scientific Conference Vrnjačka Banja - TISC, 5(2), 488-505. Retrieved from https://tisc.rs/proceedings/index.php/hitmc/article/view/386