

  • Branko Mihailović Institute of Agricultural Economics, Belgrade, Serbia
  • Vesna Popović Institute of Agricultural Economics, Belgrade, Serbia
Keywords: digital marketing, agri-food products, online platforms, tourism, rural tourism


The paper explores the possibilities of restructuring the activities of rural tourism in Serbia, during the COVID pandemic. Having in mind the shock experienced by the tourism sector, as well as the area of rural tourism, digital marketing of agricultural and food products is imposed as one of the solutions. Namely, through online platforms and modern logistics, producers can consolidate business revenues during a pandemic, when rural tourism is almost impossible. The move can be seen as a short-term business restructuring caused by a pandemic. In that way, with the measures of state support, the area of rural tourism in Serbia can be preserved, in order to be ready for the period after the pandemic. Digitization enables small agricultural producers to survive and strengthen their market position in conditions of intensified global competition. This is achieved through digital cooperation, which can play the role of one large agricultural producer, thus achieving the effects of economies of scale, size and breadth.


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How to Cite
Mihailović, B., & Popović, V. (2021). DIGITAL MARKETING OF AGRI-FOOD PRODUCTS IN SUPPORT OF RURAL TOURISM DURING THE COVID PANDEMIC. Tourism International Scientific Conference Vrnjačka Banja - TISC, 6(1), 111-126. https://doi.org/10.52370/TISC21111BM