

  • Desimir Bošković Faculty of Commercial and Business Sciences, Celje
  • Tatiana Zanini Solmelia Croatia d.o.o., Umag
Keywords: tourism, ecology, ecological consciousness and eco-education, local community, education, tourist development


Ecological education is a complex process which not only covers events, but also points out the importance of developing a society as a whole. In this work authors also analyse ecological education in Croatia, specially in Istria, which represents the most developed tourist region of Croatia. Based on that research, a notion to implement ecological education in the national education system is being promoted - starting from kindergarden and up to college level. Survey research shows results of respondents - tourists during the year 2015, when they visited Istria, their preferences regarding organic food and the satisfaction of the offer. A survey research of the local population was also performed in order to assess their involvement in development of tourism programs of Poreč destination.


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How to Cite
Bošković, D., & Zanini, T. (2016). TRAINING LOCAL COMMUNITIES AND ECOLOGICAL EDUCATION FOR SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT OF TOURISM. Tourism International Scientific Conference Vrnjačka Banja - TISC, 1(2), 376-393. Retrieved from https://tisc.rs/proceedings/index.php/hitmc/article/view/192