

  • Jelena Basaric Institute for Architecture and Urban & Spatial Planning of Serbia
  • Sasa Milijic Institute for Architecture and Urban & Spatial Planning of Serbia
Keywords: Spa tourism, potential, limitations, development, planning documents


Spa tourism has a long-standing tradition and represents an important tourist attraction in Serbia. There is a large number of mineral, thermal and thermal mineral springs in Serbian spas. Although spa tourism primarily focuses on health/balneal and climate therapy and wellness, it also has a special role in promoting culture, nature, leisure and recreation, numerous events and the like. In prospect, spa tourism may play a key role in the economic development of Serbia and may also serve as an incentive for development of local communities. Over the past several decades, the development opportunities in the tourist sector are given priority; hence, the increasing number of local communities and regions are working towards development and improvement of their tourist destinations. Tradition, natural healing properties and health factors, rich cultural and historical heritage, domestic and international demand, and excellent geographical position are representative of spa tourism development potentials, whereas major limitations refer to the lack of a clear spa development strategy, poor infrastructure, legislative shortcomings etc. Another issue is the lack of planning documents on management, organisation, protection, and the use of spas and spa settlements.


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How to Cite
Basaric, J., & Milijic, S. (2016). POTENTIALS AND LIMITATIONS OF SPA TOURISM IN SERBIA. Tourism International Scientific Conference Vrnjačka Banja - TISC, 1(1), 106-121. Retrieved from https://tisc.rs/proceedings/index.php/hitmc/article/view/211