

  • Aleksandra Mitrović University of Kragujevac, Faculty of Hotel Management and Tourism, Vrnjačka Banja, Serbia
  • Snežana Knežević University of Belgrade, Faculty of Organizational Sciences, Belgrade, Serbia
  • Stefan Milojević Educons University, Faculty of Business Economics, Sremska Kamenica, Serbia
Keywords: „green“ information, effective implementation, Environmental Accounting


Environmental Accounting and Management Information Systems are gaining popularity among academics and practitioners. This research investigates the implementation of Environmental Accounting in the context of its performance in Management Information System. A survey analysis was carried out among directors and heads of accounting employees of hotel companies operating in Serbia, which served as a basis for the discussion about integrating „green“ information and providing guidelines for effective implementation. According to the findings, there is a statistically significant difference in respondents' attitudes toward the argument that environmental information should be released outside of the annual report of different groups according to the respondents’ level of education.


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How to Cite
Mitrović, A., Knežević, S., & Milojević, S. (2024). IMPLEMENTATION CHALLENGES OF ENVIRONMENTAL ACCOUNTING IN MANAGEMENT INFORMATION SYSTEM. Tourism International Scientific Conference Vrnjačka Banja - TISC, 8(1), 41-53. https://doi.org/10.52370/TISC2441AM