

  • Marijana Seočanac University of Kragujevac, Faculty of Hotel Management and Tourism in Vrnjačka Banja, Vrnjačka Banja, Serbia
  • Darko Dimitrovski University of Kragujevac, Faculty of Hotel Management and Tourism in Vrnjačka Banja, Vrnjačka Banja, Serbia
Keywords: green transformational leadership, tourism, bibliometric analysis, science mapping, content analysis


The aim of this study is to conduct a thorough review of the academic literature on Green Transformational Leadership in the context of the tourism industry. A bibliometric analysis was conducted using articles indexed in the Scopus database, employing a methodological approach that integrates performance analysis and science mapping techniques. The study goes beyond quantitative metrics and includes a qualitative investigation aimed at identifying current research themes. A key focus is on content analysis of the most influential publications to provide an overview of emerging research topics, discover potential research gaps and offer practical implications for managers in the tourism industry.


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How to Cite
Seočanac, M., & Dimitrovski, D. (2024). GREEN TRANSFORMATIONAL LEADERSHIP IN TOURISM – STATE OF THE ART. Tourism International Scientific Conference Vrnjačka Banja - TISC, 8(1), 234-245. https://doi.org/10.52370/TISC24234MS