The aim of this transversal research was to examine the latent structure of the framework factors in their modification by climate changes in agricultural farms. The pertinent sample included (N = 178) farmers from Kolubara district. The average age of participants was 58.63 ± 6.02. The Questionnaire of limiting factors in adapting to climate change and business operations of agricultural farms was used in this research. Exploratory factor analysis was applied on the 12 manifest variables regarding the framework in adaptation to climate change. Using Promax rotation, with 57.68% of the total variance explained, four hypothetical basic latent dimensions were extracted and interpreted as: General external contributions, Irrigation, Finance and Material and human resources. The obtained total value of Cronbach’s α indicates the reliability of internal consistency type. That confirms the satisfactory internal consistency of the isolated factors and the valid applicability of the measuring instrument used on Serbian sample, while suggestions for more efficient operationalization and revision of the applied construct were given.
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